Calendar of Activities

Activities are open to members of the public.

How to use this calendar: Click on a specific event to get a pop-up with more details and leader contact information. Please RSVP according to the event instructions and direct any questions directly to the outing leader listed. RSVPs are necessary to manage group sizes. 

Note that our outdoor activity leaders will often omit start times, and sometimes the start locations. Why? Answers are below.

When our volunteer leaders publish outings, many leaders choose to omit start times & sometimes start locations. Why ? Answers are below:

1) So that the leader can provide details, explain the difficulty rating, and make sure group size limit is not exceeded, potential participants should always contact the leader before the outing
2) By knowing who to expect, the leader can contact participants if there are any last minute changes to the outing plans, such as the meeting location and time.*
3) Leaders can also wait a few minutes if someone who is expected but is delayed.

*When possible, car sharing is encouraged.

Bread Loaf Section has a Meetup group. Learn more. Although not all our leaders list their outings on Meetup, but we've found that it's an opportunity to discover new hiking trails and meet new people.

GMC's Calendar of Events and Outings is the main club's calendar, which provides details for all upcoming Green Mountain Club Section Outings and Trail Maintenance trips, as well as dates for Green Mountain Club educational events and volunteer opportunities.  

Find GMC's updates and Events and Sign up for eBlaze, GMC's monthly email newsletter.