Photos of Trail Work
Our Section's Trails & Shelters Manager is Ellen Cronan.
Dates and contact info for upcoming trail work parties are on our Calendar. Please contact Ellen at if you're interested in helping out!
2024 Trail Work Photos
Fall Trail Work with Middlebury College Students
See all the photos from the September 7th Middlebury College work at the Snow Bowl here.
2024 Spring Trail Work Photos
To see more photos of the spring 2024 trail work, click here.
2023 Fall Trail Work Photos
Fall Trail Work Days, Sept. 2023
Groups of volunteers worked on improvements to the Long Trail, Sucker Brook trail and Burnt Hill trail. (Photos: E. Cronan, M. Fuller, A. Faust)
Trail work with Middlebury College students
Sept 9, 2023: This trail work day was a lot of fun; they were a great crew and really enthusiastic. They were able to put in 2 drainage structures in the first 1/4 mile or so of the LT south of Midd Gap. (Photos: B. Eliason)
Fall Trail Work Days, Sept. 2023
Groups of volunteers worked on improvements to the Long Trail, Sucker Brook trail and Burnt Hill trail. (Photos: E. Cronan, M. Fuller, A. Faust)
Trail work with Middlebury College students
Sept 9, 2023: This trail work day was a lot of fun; they were a great crew and really enthusiastic. They were able to put in 2 drainage structures in the first 1/4 mile or so of the LT south of Midd Gap. (Photos: B. Eliason)
2023 Spring Trail Work Photos
August 7, 2023 trail work: We transported and installed puncheon to extend old puncheon through a muddy and widened section of trail. Added 8 feet. (photos: E. Cronan)
May 21 puncheon repairs on LT South of Midd Gap. (photos: E. Cronan)
On May 12 & 13 crews worked on the LT south of Skylight Pond. (photos: E. Cronan)
A work crew of eight (8) met to do some crosscut sawyering in the section just north of Middlebury Gap. Photos and two video clips show you how it's done!
(Photos: E. Cronan, S. Quesnel)
End of season work on the Sucker Brook Trail (below). A small but hearty crew met on Nov. 6 to build a check dam, clean out waterbars and protect a portion of stream bank.
A work crew met at Midd Gap and spent the day cutting blowdowns, clearing water bars and clipping back vegetation.
Spring 2021 trail work completed
Read the Trails & Shelter report on our Annual Meeting page.
Sucker Brook Shelter's new moldering privy.
Photo: October 9, 2020
Sucker Brook Shelter's new privy
In early October 2020, a new moldering privy was installed at Sucker Brook Shelter. It's located down the hill in front of the shelter.
Thanks to everyone involved in this work, from the carpenters to the crew who hauled the components into the wilderness area and the folks who put it together on the new site. As one admirer commented: "It's a palace!"
Learn more about this style of privy in an article written for GMC website blog:
During 2020, our workers were busy working in small teams doing, so unfortunately we have very few photos to share! Scroll down for past years' photos of seasonal work and other projects.
Here are some of 2018's blowdowns being cleared: On 7/29/2018 more than 20 trees in the Worth Mountain wilderness area were cleared. More cross cut saw work!
Blowdowns in wilderness areas required that they be cleared with a cross cut saw.
More photos of June 9, 2018 trail workers. (photos: W. Warren, K. Norden)
More Trail Work photos (2017 > 2015)
Three of our 7 fall clean-up trail crew on Oct. 14, 2017.
photo: J. Vickers
Photos of our 6+ mile walk-through on 6/3/2017 from Midd Gap to Brooks Road.
Including 14 photos of beautiful new steps (built in Sept 2016) near Snow Bowl.
Some of the crew who participated on our June 4, 2016 work day, going in on the Sucker Brook Trail.
MANY THANKS to all our volunteers!
Photo Archives: Previous Years' Trail Work (below)
This trail crew performed the final maintenance for the season on Oct 27, 2012.
Photo album Oct. 25, 2009: Trail Work Party photos: Lily Henrichsen
Photo album Nov. 1, 2008: Trail Work Party at Snow Bowl photos: M. Kraus
Photo album October 2008: Trail Work Party at Snow Bowl photos: R Penfield