2021 Outings & Event Photos
Pease Mountain hike in Charlotte
12/18/2021 (photos: R. Penfield)
Mt. Ellen hike (with Ellen) from Sugarbush North in Fayston. 11/20/2021 (photos: B. Francis)
Hike at Raven Ridge Natural Area, Monkton.
11/13/2021 (photos: A. Christie, C. Peters, A. Seigenglanz, R Penfield)
11/6/2021 (photos: B. Francis, I. Hughes,
C. Peters)
10/21/2021 (photos: B. Francis)
(above) Rattlesnake Point foliage hike, Salisbury
10/15/2021 (Photos: R. Penfield)
(above) Trail Around Middlebury / Chipman Hill
10/8/2021 (Photos: I. Zaccor)
(above) Snow Mountain, Keene Valley, NY
10/2/2021 (Photos: I. Hughes, B. Francis)
(above) Bald Mountain hike, Mendon
9/30/2021 (Photos: D. Wright, R. Penfield)
(above) Abbey Pond hike (pre-hike photos)
9/25/2021 (Photos: R. Penfield)
(above) Hike Abraham & Lincoln Mtns
9/19/2021 (Photos: K. Kindness, E. Cronan)
(above) Watershed Center hike to Chardonnay Rock, Bristol
9/10/2021 (Photos: I. Zaccor)
(above) Long Trail Day hikers
8/28/2021 (Photos: R. Penfield)
(above) Kingsland Bay outings/picnic
8/8/2021 (Photos: D. Andrews)
(above) Mt Hurricane on a brilliant August day
8/6/2021. Led by Ellen Cronan
(photos: E Cronan, Mac Gallagher)
(above) Hike around Silver Lake
7/24/2021. Led by Liana Merrill
(above) Hike to Skylight Pond & Skyline Lodge
7/10/2021. Led by Ken Corey.
(above) Paddle on Little Otter Creek
7/05/2021. Led by David Andrews
(above) Hike to Deer Leap, Killington
6/25/2021. Led by Ken Corey.
(above) Burnt Hill hike & lumber haul to Emily Proctor Shelter
6/20/2021. Led by Ellen Cronan.
(above) Hike Mt Grant from Lincoln Gap
06/12/2021. Led by Ken Corey.
Bristol Trail Network circles the town of Bristol. 6/15/2021. Led by Porter Knight.
(photos: R. Penfield)
(above) Hike Mt Abraham via Battell trail.
5/30/2021. Led by Ivor Hughes.
(photos: B Francis)
(above) Leicester Hollow Wildflower Trail (to Silver Lake). 5/22/2021.
Led by Jenn Mayhew (photos: J. Mayhew & A. Seidenglanz)
(above) Spring Trail Work Day, Ripton.
Led by David Morrissey, 5/15/2021.
(photos: R. Penfield)
(above) Belden Falls (TAM) Wildflower Hike. New Haven/Weybridge.
4/30/2021 (photos: R. Penfield)
(above) Watershed Center wildflower hike, Bristol. (First group hike since October 2020). 4/24/2021 (photos: R. Penfield)
Read about the Watershed Center.
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Beautiful Bread Loaf Mountain photos are in The Four Seasons of Bread Loaf.
If you photos from a recent GMC Bread Loaf outing that you want to share, you can email it (.JPG format) to gmcbreadloafsection@gmail.com with the date and caption.