Young Adventurers Club (YAC)
Young Adventurers Club (YAC) outings provide an opportunity for families and their youngest hikers to get out and explore the woods at a comfortable, playful pace. Outings focus on families getting out and having fun, rather than going fast or far. While the pace may be geared more towards younger adventurers (ages 3-10), but everyone is welcome!
Young Adventurers at Raven Ridge in Monkton. 11/10/2019 (photos: L. Bierman)
YAC Birdwatching at Dead Creek WMA (10/8/16)
Enjoying the overlook at Silent Cliff. Photos: L. Bierman (Sept. 15, 2019)
YAC Trail Clean Up Day, Sept. 30, 2018
What a terrific day for trail maintenance on the Trail Around Middlebury (TAM) in Wright Park! We cleared brush, learned how to use hand saws, learned all about invasive species and why it's important to clear them out, and most importantly, spent the day outside in nature with great friends!
Many thanks to MALT's (Middlebury Area Land Trust) Jenn Smith, and John Derick for showing us such a great time!
Photos of previous YAC activities
11/5/16 Scavenger Hunt at Wright Park Middlebury (Photos)
4/22/17 Labyrinths and Mazes at Spirit in Nature in Ripton (Photos)
9/24/17 Poetry of Robert Frost on Robert Frost Trail in Ripton (Photos)
Read Feb 23, 2017 article about YAC on GMC's website.